Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"All that's left"

Title of piece- "All that's left"
For my piece I decided to display the problem of Bamboo deforestation, due millions of people using the bamboo for construction. However bamboo is not the only thing being destroyed, but various animals are becoming extinct due to this loss such as, pandas, lemurs, and certain types of gorillas. Therefore, I decided to show bamboo and pandas used as a decoration, where as if we don't alter our ways, this is all that will be left of these species. My techniques for the project went from paper mache for the panda, to braiding the paper for the stems, to almost sculpting the paper for the leaves. I choose to do the braiding for the bamboo because I wanted it to have a natural look, as for the panda, paper mache worked out best for the design and look of a panda.
materials used: paper mache, styrofoam, various colors of paper, gloss finish, and paint.
size: 27"

1 comment:

  1. pretty pretty cool of that bamboo vast, i make me remember my passed away grand mother, she also had one similar. thanks!!
